Welcome to . . . Read With Us Discussion Day

Bonny and Carole and I are posting discussion questions today for our latest RWU book . . . The Secret History by Donna Tartt. Join the discussion by commenting on our blogs.

To get things rolling, I’m going to ask the same quesstion I always ask  . . . Did you read The Secret History (either recently or at any point in time)? And if you did, what did you think?

One of the things that is most interesting to me about The Secret History . . . is how absolutely unlikeable all of the characters are. Any time I talk to anyone who’s read the book, that’s the first thing they mention . . .  how much they disliked the characters, while still appreciating the book! Carole will be discussing that very topic on her blog today, while Bonny will be zeroing in on Julian. As for me, I’m going to focus on our narrator, Richard . . . the character I found most fascinating in the whole messy situation.

Here’s what I’m throwing out for discussion today . . .

It seems like Richard might be/could be a sympathetic character here. As the outsider (every element of his background – except his prowess with Greek – is different and “removed” from the others), it seems like Richard could be the perfect foil for this amoral group. But it doesn’t work out that way. Richard doesn’t quite earn our sympathy, does he? Why do you think that is? Do you think Richard saw the flaws in Julian and his classmates, but was too hungry for belonging and acceptance to see the truth? Do you think he was just too personally wounded by the time he arrived on campus? Do you think the others manipulated him and used him as a pawn? 

I can’t wait to hear your thoughts.

(Be sure to visit Bonny and Carole today for additional questions about The Secret History.)


Don’t forget: We’ll be discussing the book on Zoom tonight – 7:00 pm Eastern Time. There’s still time for you to join us! Just let me know of your interest either with a comment or by sending me an email (see sidebar, above) — and I’ll send a Zoom invitation.

PS – If you are planning to join us on the Zoom, but haven’t received an invitation from me (I sent them Monday afternoon), please let me know so I can get the Zoom link to you today.