One of the things that kinda, well . . . stresses me out . . . about moving back and forth between home and cabin all summer is deciding which projects I want to bring with me. And which projects to leave behind. Tom is certain I overthink it – and he might be right. But I’m not generally an overthinker (I know what I want and I tend to trust my instincts). But this is an important decision for most “makers.” I mean . . . different projects hit different “buttons,” y’know? (And I want to get it right.) (Because I’ve been stuck up north with the wrong project before, and that is No Fun.)

So before we left home again yesterday morning, I decided to do a bit of a project update for myself to help me sort out what to pack . . . and what to leave home.

As you can see, the baby sweater I’ve been working on is very near completion at this point. In fact, it has been in this very state for about two weeks now. The knitting is finished. The ends are all woven in (except for the ones I need for seaming). The buttons are selected and ready to sew on. All I need to do now . . . is Finish the Damn Thing.

I could have easily left this project at home to finish later. But it has been languishing at home for weeks now already. And there is a (rapidly approaching) deadline. So . . . I packed the baby sweater. And I’m going to making myself finish it before we head back home on Friday.

And then . . . there’s my nearly-complete embroidery project.

Technically, it’s finished. Or . . . was. But when I took this photo a couple of days ago, I realized that I wasn’t exactly pleased with it yet. I decided it needed . . . a little more something-something. (Which is saying . . . something. Because there is already a lot going on there.)

Anyway. I jazzed it up by adding some more color punches (sorry, no good photo of that yet) and . . . I decided it needed further riffing with a focal point right in the center there. A something-something more than a contrast French knot.

[Cue serious overthinking about focal points . . . with a deep dive into my embellishment stash.]

I decided to leave this project at home. Y’know . . . so I can let the focal point decision simmer for a while. I also Have Plans for finishing this piece that involves more stitching. There is a reason for that contrast backing fabric there (you’ll see), but I don’t want to mess with that experiment while I’m up north.

Just for fun, here are two of my leading “contenders” for the focal point. One is a cute little ladybug button, and the other is a big pink sequin. There is also a sweet little yellow button (no photo). And a bee button that, sadly, isn’t very cute, although a bee button would be perfect, I think (no photo because the ugly bee button is not actually a contender).


Feel free to share your opinions in the comments, although I’ve already (pretty much) made my decision. (You can also see the extra something-something I added, stitch-wise, in the photo with the pink sequin.)

I did bring something new with me up north, though.

I’ll tell you more about it another day.
But here’s a teaser photo for you . . .


How about you? What are you making? And how do you decide which projects to bring along with you on a trip?


And a reminder: Today is the last day to submit your July scavenger hunt “findings!”