. . . but maybe soon! Because, friends. This charm-making thing has Gotten Out of Hand.

(And I do apologize for the quality of some of my photos today. I was hoping for some better light yesterday . . . but after starting the day with a tornado warning – yes, another one – at 8 am, the day remained dark and stormy for the duration. So . . . Yay.)

Anyway. A couple of weeks ago, I shared some little charms I was making from small, round, office tags. Now? It’s Shrinky-Dinks that have me obsessed. You remember Shrinky-Dinks? If you had kids in the mid-80s (or if you were a kid in the mid-80s), you probably remember the Shrinky-Dink craft craze. If you missed it then, well . . . it’s not too late. (Just sayin.) Basically, you can draw (or stamp or stencil or trace) your own designs on shrinky-dink paper, add some color, and . . . heat-to-shrink.

And shrink they do!



Fun. Fast. Totally addictive!

And what will I do with all of these charms? (Because, yes. There are more.) Well. I’ll share a couple of “inspiration projects” from Fodder School to show you where I’m (sort of) headed. . .


(If you just click on the photos above, you will be whisked to the full Instagram posts.)

These projects are not exactly what I’m going for (the second one, in particular, is way too . . . much. . . for my taste), but they do, perhaps, reveal the (ahem) charm that’s inspiring me. And maybe they also reveal why my knitting has slowed to a crawl lately.

C’est la vie!


How about you? What’s inspiring you these days?


Also . . . I highly recommend this shrinky-dink thing as a project to do with kids. If you have any interest in sharing it with kids – or trying it on your own, let me know. I’d be happy to share some tips and tricks I’ve learned along the way.