This was the view from our front porch on Sunday evening . . . for a very brief couple of minutes. It was stunning! No sun. Just electric pink clouds. (And then, just like that . . . they were gone.)
There’s a lot going on in my life right now. I’m doing a lot of juggling. Trying to keep things together. A couple of major house-ish projects (we’re playing Beat-the-Tariffs). Ongoing preparations for my upcoming trip to England (just over a week away now). Minding my (fragile) mental health by protecting my peace as best I can. And just the overwhelm of a never-ending winter and . . . well, y’know . . . the doom-and-gloom scene unfolding all around us every day.
So, basically, I’m finding I have a lot to say here . . . but no time to say it.
Bear with me, please. I’ll be here as I can be. But I’m also up to my eyeballs with . . . life.
Here’s what I’ve got for you today . . .
My sure-fire, 3-part formula for feeling a little better every day:
- Get outside for a few minutes and breathe some almost-spring air.
- Call your congress people. (I know you don’t wanna. Just do it anyway.) (And keep doing it.)
- Listen to some upbeat music while you go about the work of your day.
It actually works for me. It helps me feel . . . more connected and action-oriented. I think it’s the little things that will get us through.
“I decided that the most subversive, revolutionary thing I could do was to show up for my life and not be ashamed.”
— Anne Lamott
For sure it is the little things that lift us up and keep us going. Love that quote from Anne Lamott too.
Thanks for sharing that lovely sky and Anne Lamott’s quote!
I, too, am doing some house projects, and while I have found it can be exhausting, it is certainly a distraction from the doom and gloom. As Anne Lamott suggests, I am trying to show up for my life these days rather than give all my space and time to an unworthy man and his minions.
What a beautiful photo!
I love your three tips. They tend to work for me, too. Also, I am currently in Central Europe on a little trip. Leaving the country has also really lifted my spirits. Hopefully your trip to England will do the same.
Never discount the ability of little things for improving our mood and outlook! I am SO glad that we did the work we did on our house last fall, especially since we considered putting it off until this spring.
Beauty emergency! I spotted some sky like that a couple of weeks ago when I got up one day, but the photo I took didn’t do it justice. I hope that your trip is a true vacation and gives you a break from all the ugliness that is our country right now.
It helps to find what works for you, that’s for sure. Glad you’ve found a formula.
(I need to replace my double back door. Your post makes me think I better do it sooner than later.)
And here’s to your trip!! Big cheers from here.
Every bit of this is excellent advice! Finding a formula that works is so important! (as are those phone calls!) XO
We’ve had some nice morning skies much like your sunset. I’m actually in recovery mode after a bad fall, but I have been outside (sans dog) for some lovely afternoon walks because, you know, SUN! Today the cold has returned. But, snow drops are up (they are my sanity)–the hellebores are fighting the frosty days and winning, and they are my inspiration.
What a beautiful sky. It is the little things that keep us going. I’d add chocolate to that list.