Here we are . . . it’s the middle of the month. I’m not sure about you, but for me . . . things usually start feeling a little overwhelming at this point in December. Like it’s all too much and I’ll never catch up with myself and here comes the end of the year. 

It’s the expectations.

Not just the expectations around creating a “perfect holiday” for your family (which are – sadly – very real for so many people),
but also expectations about . . .
How you wanted to feel by the end of the year.
Or what you had hoped to accomplish this year.
Or how you were planning to be so much more organized by now.
Or how you wanted to be “over” something by this point.
Or how you were going to do this . . . or do that . . . and go here and maybe there.

It can be a very fraught time.
Especially if we feel like we didn’t quite measure up to our own expectations. 

I’m here to tell you to . . . let that crap go.
It’s time now.

We’re all fine, however we may be sliding into the end of December.
We really are fine.

Don’t just take it from me. Watch this (very brief; only a minute) message from Kate Bowler. She’ll tell you the same thing . . . in a much more charming way.

Forget your expectations.
You’re fine just as you are!

You already get the gold star.
Just you.

– Kate Bowler

Fill your cup.