What will become of us?

That was the big question I found myself asking whenever I woke up in the middle of the night . . . for those long months before the election. And, of course, that question only took up even more real estate in my head in the days immediately following the election. 

What will become of us? 

I hate that question. It’s so . . . passive. It feels so hand-wringy, so victim-y to me. Like we’re at the hands of forces beyond our control. (And, sure. We kinda are. But, still.) I’ve never liked passive questions. Or feeling like I have no control.

So one night, lying there in the dark, I decided to turn that question around.

What will become of us?
turned into . . . What will we become? 

And more specifically: What will I become?

Now there’s a question that requires some action!
Action . . . on my part. No matter what else is happening in the world.

I started making a list.
I will become . . .  

  • a person who smiles a lot.
  • someone who goes out of her way to be kind.
  • that woman who always keeps her bird feeders filled.
  • someone who is quick to compliment.
  • someone who hums without shame,
  • and looks for hope,
  • and continues to be awed by sunsets.
  • a very generous tipper.
  • someone who unapologetically overdoes the twinkle lights.
  • a person who shares.

My list is actually much longer than that. But that’s a good sampling. And a fine start. 

What will we become?
That’s up to each of us!

“To be a human being among people and to remain one forever, no matter in what circumstances, not to grow despondent and not to lose heart – that’s what life is all about, that’s its task.”

  – Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Fill your cup.