Tom and I headed up north late last week and into this week.

It’s always nice to be able to get away . . . but this trip, well. We had work to do! It was my last trip up north for the season, although Tom will be up a few more times until he closes everything up for the winter in early November. But there remains a lot of “buttoning up” to do before then.

In the fall, we need to tend to once-a-season tasks like . . . covering the old pontoon, taking down the patio lights, winterizing and storing the kayaks, sorting through various foodstuffs and personal items we don’t want to leave over the winter, inventorying everything else, (and etc.). I had started – but not quite finished – a season-long major clean-out/reorganization of the entire cabin back in June, and I needed to wrap all that up before Tom hosts a reunion with his long-time fishing buddies in a couple of weeks.

So . . . it really WAS a working visit.

But we made sure there was plenty of time to relax and kick back a little bit, too. Although fall (at least color-wise) is late in coming this year, the acorns were raining from the trees and it was chilly enough to enjoy roaring fires each night. And there is nothing like wrapping up in cozy blankets and reading (or napping) every afternoon!

Balance in all things, my friends.
That’s the ticket.
(And some time in nature doesn’t hurt either.)

I hope you all enjoy a relaxing and worry-free weekend. And here’s a little smattering of up north photos I took on my last trip up for the season.