I sure haven’t been slacking when it comes to making stuff this summer . . . but I have been slacking when it comes to telling you about it! Time to start catching you up.

So . . . as the Summer Olympics opened, I started working on another sampler.
I finished it not long after the Olympics ended.
And I never said a word about it here in BlogLand. (Slacker . . . )

And it’s a real beaut, too!

This sampler kit (it’s called “Marta” and it’s by Polish designer Kasia Jacquot) just set my whimsy-loving heart a’flutter as soon as I saw it advertised in a Snuggly Monkey newsletter. (And if you haven’t discovered the Snuggly Monkey website yet, well . . . if you like to stitch, you’ll thank me for that link.) The sampler hit all my project “triggers” right there in one place: fun colors, unusual background, lots of texture, French knots. Add to cart? Yes, please!

(Really . . . it was those little French knot cluster flowers that did it. Heart be still . . .)

This was a super fun sampler to stitch — and now it is fortified with happy Summer Olympic memories, which makes it even better. Simone Biles? Yep, I stitched away while she did all the impossible things. Cole Hocker? Yep, I also stitched away as he surprised the pack in the 1500. Katie Ledecky? Stitching. Pommel horse guy? Stitching. The women’s marathon? Oh, yeah. Still stitching. All those Olympic memories are part of my sampler now. And I love it. (Because the Olympics turned out to be my “sleeper surprise” of the summer this year. Who saw that coming???)

Extra bonus . . . I’ve discovered the wonderful work of embroidery designer Kasia Jacquot. She has some gorgeous designs! I am drooling over her embroidered journal covers . . . and an advent calendar design that is seriously dancing like a sugarplum inside my head. (The journal cover pattern is something I might actually end up buying, but the advent calendar – tempting as it may be – is a hard no.)

Still . . . a slacker’s gotta dream!

I’ve shared all my notes about this project — and more photos, too — in my Field Notes (just click here).


How about you? What are you making this week?


NOTE: Our Read With Us Zoom discussion for The Ministry of Time is set for Tuesday, September 17 . . . which is two weeks from yesterday! It’s easy to RSVP — just email/comment to me or to Bonny or Carole. I’ve made it extra easy with an RSVP link from my sidebar, too.