I’m back.

I only arrived home last night, so I’m still a bit too scrambled to be able to put together a proper post. But I’m here. And I have a lot to say and share. But for now, it’ll have to be enough for me to say . . . I had a nice little break; a good reset. I saw some lovely parts of the English countryside and was inspired by a (very intense) 3-day painting workshop. There were also some . . . well. Some challenges along the way. (I’m very happy to be home again. Let’s just say that.) I will be in full recovery mode this week, and will be working through email and your blog posts (which I have missed reading so much).

I’ll be back tomorrow.
(Not going anywhere for a while . . . )


The photo in today’s blog post? It was the view from the Bullclough Art School, where I spent 3 days at a contemporary still life mixed media course. More to come . . .