It’s been a long, long time since I’ve called upon Garden Buddha to model knitwear! But here he is . . . keeping his head warm in a freshly knit hat. (It’s this one from Isabell Kraemer.) (It’s also been a long time since I’ve shown you any knitting. . . )

So. The hat.
It’s . . . okay.
I feel kinda . . . meh about it. It’s not bad, but I don’t love it.

I thought it looked super cute in Isabell’s modeled shots for the pattern, but I wasn’t really liking the way the slip-stitch pattern looked as I was knitting it up, and I almost ripped it out and started over with different colors.

But I kept going.

Because it’s fine.
Really. It’s fine.

It fits well. It’s warm. It doesn’t itch. It’s a perfectly adequate dog-walking hat.

(And I think part of my meh-ness is just my mood. I’m pretty much that way about everything right now. Books. Knitting. Embroidery. Food. Meh. So I think my feelings about this hat are all tied up with my feelings about what’s happening around me.)

You can check out my project Field Notes if you’re interested in more information about the hat – including a couple more photos.


How about you? What are you working on these days?


And . . . in case I haven’t shared enough stuff already this week, I have another thing for you: It’s an op-ed piece from Ezra Klein of the New York Times. You can read it by clicking the link (it’s a gift share, so you should be able to read it even if you are not a NYT subscriber) OR you can listen to Ezra’s podcast on Spotify (link below).

I think the message is really important for us all right now . . . and it did make me feel the teeny-tiniest bit better.