It’s been a long, long time since I’ve called upon Garden Buddha to model knitwear! But here he is . . . keeping his head warm in a freshly knit hat. (It’s this one from Isabell Kraemer.) (It’s also been a long time since I’ve shown you any knitting. . . )
So. The hat.
It’s . . . okay.
I feel kinda . . . meh about it. It’s not bad, but I don’t love it.
I thought it looked super cute in Isabell’s modeled shots for the pattern, but I wasn’t really liking the way the slip-stitch pattern looked as I was knitting it up, and I almost ripped it out and started over with different colors.
But I kept going.
Because it’s fine.
Really. It’s fine.
It fits well. It’s warm. It doesn’t itch. It’s a perfectly adequate dog-walking hat.
(And I think part of my meh-ness is just my mood. I’m pretty much that way about everything right now. Books. Knitting. Embroidery. Food. Meh. So I think my feelings about this hat are all tied up with my feelings about what’s happening around me.)
You can check out my project Field Notes if you’re interested in more information about the hat – including a couple more photos.
How about you? What are you working on these days?
And . . . in case I haven’t shared enough stuff already this week, I have another thing for you: It’s an op-ed piece from Ezra Klein of the New York Times. You can read it by clicking the link (it’s a gift share, so you should be able to read it even if you are not a NYT subscriber) OR you can listen to Ezra’s podcast on Spotify (link below).
I think the message is really important for us all right now . . . and it did make me feel the teeny-tiniest bit better.
I actually test knit that hat and also felt pretty meh about the results but it does look cozy. Well done getting out for a walk – looks very cold.
Cute hat to get you through the remaining (endless) weeks of winter here in MI.
Thanks for the podcast link…..I sure hope Ezra is right.
I think the hat is the PERFECT dog walking hat (and I like how the top decreased despite making your eyes twitchy! Whatever thing you did looks great!) Thank you for the gift link to Ezra Klein’s thoughts… and yes, I am feeling the tiniest bit better too!
I tried to start a hat this week…unsuccessfully….Your hat looks good though. And cozy.
Thanks for the link to Ezra Klein’s writing – it does indeed make me feel better and I have shared it with y siblings.
There is a place in the hat pile for a perfectly adequate dog-walking hat, even if it’s just okay. I hadn’t thought about feeling “meh” about many things (knitting, books, food, getting together with friends, … ) as a reflection of my general mood. I’m having tea (literally) with some friends tomorrow afternoon so I hope to remedy the situation a bit. I’m going to re-read/listen to that podcast again; thanks!
I like your hat. I have lots of feelings about hats, and I have a difficult time finding any that I like. If it is a warm hat for dog walking, then it is useful even if you don’t particularly like it, yes? I think you are right. When you have extreme existential angst, it is impossible to get excited about many things. However, at least knitting it gave you a reprieve from thinking of other things. I will happily read Ezra Klein, thanks.
Thanks for the link. I’ve been feeling similarly to Mr. Klein’s thoughts. Too many sticks in the fire and it burns itself out. We even had the conversation at dinner Monday night that it’s all smoke and mirrors, trying to keep our collective minds overloaded with the excessive amount of information. Mr. Klein was much better at describing it than I could ever be, and I appreciated the insight into the behind the scenes activity.
Thanks for the link and for the links yesterday. I am with you the overall meh. I hope Ezra is right.
I’m firmly in the meh zone.
Mmm… I know what you mean. Hat flattery can be persnickety and buying before trying as knitters must do can be unexpectedly disappointing. I think color is a big part of it (although other details are important) . Literally, the other day I was trying on beanies at Macy’s and wasn’t happy with any of their most popular colors until I tried on the bright green one. Went out the next day and bought some green yarn. Hope I get the other details right!…Your hat is beautiful! Chloe
It’s only natural that our feelings about the state of the world are impacting our feelings about life in general. I get angry about that, though, as I don’t want to give these assholes any sway over my enjoyment of life, whether it’s music, books, knitting or food! Is being happy in spite of the news a form of resistance? I think so and it’s one I’m trying (and mostly failing but still trying) to embrace.
I think it’s a perfectly serviceable hat — maybe not very eye-catching, but it looks cute and warm, and if you’ll wear it and it’ll keep you warm, that’s really all that matters. I like Carole’s view, that being happy is a form of resistance, so even though it is hard to get too excited or enthused about anything right now, we have to try.
Thanks for the podcast link!