There is a bank of trees that serves as a lovely, far-off backdrop for me every time I look out my western-facing front windows or step out my front door. These background trees are a treat in all seasons, just doing what trees do. But they are always especially beautiful as the sun comes up in the morning . . . when they reflect the sunrise.

And so it was Saturday morning, as I stood at my window . . . sipping my coffee and catching this fire-in-the-sky moment.

It never photographs very well or looks terribly impressive in my photos . . . because the expanse of trees is so broad and they’re so far off in the distance that it’s hard to find the just-right vista for a photo. But, trust me, it is absolutely stunning for a few minutes as the sun rises.

I know these days are hard, my friends.
I am going to be here this week to remind you to . . . hold fast.

Because it’s what we do.

Continue to be who and how you are, to astonish a mean world with your acts of kindness.
— Maya Angelou