Yeah. It’s another “making” post that is NOT about “making” anything yarn-y. But I thought it would be more fun for you to see this kind of magic . . . rather than another couple of inches on that same old cardigan, y’know? (It’s going fine. Just slowly.)

So here. Let’s look at my stack of magical, whimsical mushrooms instead! They’re my latest obsession . . . thanks to inspiration provided by the month-long Fodder Challenge 2024. It’s amazing what a little paint, some colored pencils, gel pens, paint markers, and glitter-glue can do to regular, everyday paper!


Although glitter or sparkly things never show up well in photos, each of my mushrooms has a touch (but not too much) of bling. I love making quick little “fodder-y” things. It’s a great way to scratch that creative itch . . . without having to agonize over the process or the product.


So what am I planning to DO with my magical mushrooms? I’ll use them on cards or tags . . . or in collages or art journals. I love having fodder – and especially handmade fodder – at the ready for future projects. (And . . . lest you think I’m finished. Well. I have a good stash of extra mushroom “caps” all cut out and ready to go. Y’know. Should the mood strike.)

If you’d like to see more photos and a listing of the materials I used, I’ve put together additional information in my Field Notes here.


How about you? What are you making these days?