Ahhhh. September has knocked on the door. I need to answer.

I know . . . that you know. . . that I love summer. And when it comes to summers, this one has been pretty darn good! Easy breezy. Relaxing. Fun. And I have taken full advantage by kicking back. As in . . . WAY back. (There has been a LOT of kicking back.) I have rested and rejuventated. I have celebrated. I have even let myself off the hook for it.

In short, I’ve become . . . a summer slacker.
(It’s been pretty great, actually.)

I’m trying not to be too hard on myself about it. Which is tough for a highly motivated, first-born striver raised with an always-do-the-unpleasant-tasks-first work ethic . . . but, hey. Trying. And getting better at it, too, I’m happy to report.

But . . .

I am getting kinda sick of myself at this point. (Apparently I can only slack for so long. . . )

September is here.
Total Slacker Kym has got to go!

So now that September has arrived, I hereby declare that I am officially . . .

  • Reintroducing structure into my days.
  • Welcoming discipline back into the line-up.
  • Rediscovering that old to-do list mojo.

BUT . . . I’m also going to stick with the not-being-too-hard-on-myself thing, y’know? Because that was actually the best part of my whole slacker vibe.

How about you? Ready for some life-balance . . . now that it’s September?


Looking for the Summer Vibes Scavenger Hunt recap? Check in on Thursday! (Because y’know . . . slacker.)