Always out here, looking for . . .

. . . and sometimes I find it in the most unexpected places!

Can we talk about the Olympics for a minute? I loved the Olympics when I was a kid . . . the sheer spectacle of it all! I loved the sports and the competition and the medals and the stories. But . . . over the years, it all just kind of lost its luster for me. It seemed overly-hyped and made-for-TV, and while I paid a little attention to some things, it just didn’t bring me the same kind of joy it did when I was a kid.

So I didn’t really expect . . . what’s happened this year.

Because I am finding joy and energy – and, yes, even a little hopeful feeling – in the Olympics.

I think this little meme I saw on Instagram says it best . . .

Because the stories of this Olympics . . . ARE giving me energy. And joy and hope. And I am here for it!

A feeling of hope.
From Snoop Dogg and Pommel Horse Guy (among others).
Who knew???