I’m up at our cabin this week, but I wanted to share something I’d been working on back home before we left. It’s one of those can’t-stop-won’t-stop kind of projects.

I’ve been making . . .  CHARMS.

(And, really. Once I got started, it was hard to stop.)
(In fact, I’m sure there will be even more once I return home to my supplies again.)
(Because I have . . . Ideas.)


As you might have guessed, the inspiration for these little charms comes from Fodder School. I made these with those little office supply tags you can pick up at Target or Office Max or Amazon. I decorated the tags with watercolor and stencils and a Micron pen and magazine words. Then I gave them a coat of Dimensional Magic (a Mod Podge product; I got mine at Michaels, but Amazon carries it, too. Of course.)

I started out making 8 of these little tag-charms. But you can see that it blew up from there . . .

What am I going to do with these little charms? Actually, I’m not sure. But I love having them around. And I do have some ideas. Stay tuned!


What about you? What are you making this week?